GHOST  1.1.2
General, Hybrid, and Optimized Sparse Toolkit
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Go to the documentation of this file.
9 #include "ghost/config.h"
10 #include "ghost/cu_complex.h"
11 #include "ghost/cu_util.h"
12 #include "ghost/types.h"
13 #include <cublas_v2.h>
14 #include <iostream>
15 #include <typeinfo>
17 namespace {
19 template<typename T>
20 bool eq(const T lhs, const T rhs)
21 {
22  return lhs == rhs;
23 };
25 template<>
26 bool eq<cuDoubleComplex>(const cuDoubleComplex lhs, const cuDoubleComplex rhs)
27 {
28  return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
29 }
31 template<>
32 bool eq<cuFloatComplex>(const cuFloatComplex lhs, const cuFloatComplex rhs)
33 {
34  return lhs.x == rhs.x && lhs.y == rhs.y;
35 }
37 template<typename T, typename iT, int M, int N, int BLOCKSIZE, bool BETAISZERO>
38 static __global__ void __launch_bounds__(BLOCKSIZE)
39  tsmm_fix_fb_kernel(const T *__restrict__ A, const iT *__restrict__ B, T *out, const int K,
40  const int lda, const int ldb, const int ldc, iT alpha, iT beta)
41 {
42  int tidx = blockIdx.x * BLOCKSIZE + threadIdx.x;
43  int n = tidx % N;
45  const bool fitsShm = (M * N * sizeof(iT) <= (1 << 14)); // bCache fits in 16kB shared memory
47  __shared__ iT bCache[fitsShm ? M : 1][fitsShm ? N : 1];
49 #pragma unroll(1)
50  for (int mn = threadIdx.x; mn < M * N; mn += BLOCKSIZE) {
51  int tn = mn / M;
52  int tm = mn % M;
53  bCache[tm][tn] = B[tn * ldb + tm];
54  }
56  __syncthreads();
58  if (tidx / N == gridDim.x * BLOCKSIZE / N && !BETAISZERO) return;
60  int row = tidx / N;
61  for (; row < K / 2; row += gridDim.x * BLOCKSIZE / N) {
62  iT sum1, sum2;
63  zero(sum1);
64  zero(sum2);
66  const int o1 = row * lda;
67  const int o2 = (row + K / 2) * lda;
69  for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
70  iT bV = bCache[m][n];
71  sum1 = axpy(sum1, (iT)A[o1 + m], bV);
72  sum2 = axpy(sum2, (iT)A[o2 + m], bV);
73  }
74  if (BETAISZERO) {
75  out[row * ldc + n] = scale(alpha, sum1);
76  out[(row + K / 2) * ldc + n] = scale(alpha, sum2);
77  } else {
78  out[row * ldc + n] = axpby(sum1, (iT)out[row * ldc + n], alpha, beta);
79  out[(row + K / 2) * ldc + n] = axpby(sum2, (iT)out[(row + K / 2) * ldc + n], alpha, beta);
80  }
81  }
83  // remainder loop
84  for (row += K / 2; row < K; row += gridDim.x * BLOCKSIZE / N) {
85  iT sum;
86  zero(sum);
88 #pragma unroll(M <= 8 ? M : 1)
89  for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) { sum = axpy(sum, (iT)A[row * lda + m], bCache[m][n]); }
90  if (BETAISZERO) {
91  out[row * ldc + n] = scale(alpha, sum);
92  } else {
93  out[row * ldc + n] = axpby(sum, (iT)out[row * ldc + n], alpha, beta);
94  }
95  }
96 }
97 } // namespace
99 template<typename T, typename iT, int M, int N>
100 bool ghost_tsmm_cu_rm_cm(T *C, const T *A, const iT *B, const iT alpha, const iT beta,
101  const ghost_lidx K, const ghost_lidx ldc, const ghost_lidx lda, const ghost_lidx ldb)
102 {
104  const bool fitsShm = (M * N * sizeof(iT) <= (1 << 14)); // bCache fits in 16kB shared memory
105  if (!fitsShm) return false;
107  const int threadsPerBlock = (M * N > 1024) ? (M * N > 55 ? 1024 : 512) : 256;
109  int deviceUsed;
110  cudaGetDevice(&deviceUsed);
111  cudaDeviceProp prop;
114  int numBlocks;
117  CUDA_CALL(cudaOccupancyMaxActiveBlocksPerMultiprocessor(&numBlocks,
118  tsmm_fix_fb_kernel<T, iT, M, N, threadsPerBlock, false>, threadsPerBlock, 0),
119  ret);
120  int blockCount = prop.multiProcessorCount * numBlocks;
121  iT Tzero;
122  zero(Tzero);
123  if (eq(beta, Tzero)) {
124  tsmm_fix_fb_kernel<T, iT, M, N, threadsPerBlock, true>
125  <<<blockCount, threadsPerBlock>>>(A, B, C, K, lda, ldb, ldc, alpha, beta);
126  } else {
127  tsmm_fix_fb_kernel<T, iT, M, N, threadsPerBlock, false>
128  <<<blockCount, threadsPerBlock>>>(A, B, C, K, lda, ldb, ldc, alpha, beta);
129  }
130  CUDA_CALL(cudaGetLastError(), ret);
131  if (ret != GHOST_SUCCESS) return false;
132  return true;
133 }
135 #endif
Header file for type definitions.
#define CUDA_CALL(call, __err)
Definition: error.h:238
__device__ T axpby(T x, T y, T a, T b)
Definition: cu_complex.h:202
No error occured.
Definition: error.h:27
int32_t ghost_lidx
Definition: types.h:503
__device__ T scale(T y, T a)
Definition: cu_complex.h:275
bool ghost_tsmm_cu_rm_cm(T *C, const T *A, const iT *B, const iT alpha, const iT beta, const ghost_lidx K, const ghost_lidx ldc, const ghost_lidx lda, const ghost_lidx ldb)
Definition: tsmm_cu_kernel.h:100
Error return type.
Definition: error.h:23
__device__ __host__ void zero(T &val)
Definition: cu_complex.h:12
CUDA utility functions.
#define N
Definition: bench.c:20
Inline template functions for CUDA complex number handling.
__device__ T axpy(T val, T val2, T2 val3)
Definition: cu_complex.h:122
ghost_error ghost_cu_deviceprop_get(ghost_cu_deviceprop *prop)
Get the CUDA device properties.
Definition: cu_util.c:517